OpenFOAM works well on Spartan, but some care is required to ensure the number of files it generates is manageable.
To do this, the collated file handler and the number of IO ranks need to be set.
Collated file handler
The collated file handler can be indicated in the <case>/system/controlDict
Or via the command line when executing all the solvers/tools:
Number of IO ranks
When the collated file handler is set, you should also set the FOAM_IORANKS
variable to define the group of ranks doing IO
Use the following syntax to define group of ranks of size G
For example, for grouping every 32 ranks a case with 256 processsors use:
This should be set in your host environment when interacting with OpenFOAM from the command line, or in the Slurm job script before any commands invoking OpenFOAM tools or solvers. The use of groups of 32 ranks is our recommendation.